I’ve shared before my favourite products from Treluxe for fine hair but let’s delve into stylers today! Which combination of Treluxe stylers works for fine hair?
Firstly you need to work out what look you’re going for. Do you want a wash day that is full of volume or one that is geared more towards definition? Do you mind if your wash day only lasts 3 days or would you rather get to day 5? When you know this you can engineer your styler combination to suit the look that you are aiming for!
Voluminous Wash Day –

When you are aiming for volume you want lightweight products, anything too heavy and your roots will be weighed down which is the opposite of what you’re going for. The Treluxe Reflex Curl Styling Serum will aid in fighting frizz at the same time as providing a light hold whilst the Curl Defining Mousse will give you some extra hold but bringing all the lightness that we love from foams and mousses. This combination normally gives me around 3-4 days of curls so not as long as when I use a gel but still not too bad!
- Reflex Serum – Contains protein
- Curl Defining Mousse – Protein Free
Defined Wash Day –

If you’re wanting definition for days and to get longevity then look not further than pairing the Reflex Curl Styling Serum with the Hi! Definition Gel. Both of these products bring with them frizz fighting capabilities and when you add the gel with it’s medium to hard hold on top of the light hold serum, it’s a match made in heaven! Plus the Hi! Definition gives you that slippery seaweed feeling that we are all constantly chasing. Both of these products are available in fragrance and fragrance free options which is great if you are scent sensitive.
- Reflex Serum – Contains protein
- Hi! Definition Gel – Contains protein
Mix of Volume and Definition Wash Day –

A foam/mousse paired with a gel is my favourite and most used combination because you really do get the best of both worlds. The Curl Defining Mousse will give you volume and the Hi! Definition Gel will give you definition, hold and longevity. With both products being lightweight you don’t need to worry about your roots being weighed down and a bonus is the gel is glycerin free so perfect for humid summer days.
- Curl Defining Mousse – Protein Free
- Hi! Definition Gel – Contains Protein
All The Clumping Wash Day –

If you are struggling to get your curls to clump then adding the Aloe Vera Curl Primer into the defined combo wash day will definitely help. It is such a versatile product and can be used in so many ways, all of them are listed in this post here. However, my favourite way to use it is as a base for my stylers. So after you’ve rinsed out your conditioner, apply the Curl Primer and then straight on top add the Reflex Curl Styling Serum and then the Hi! Definition Gel. The primer helps to hydrate your hair, smooths frizz, creates gorgeous clumps and also speeds up your drying time. Win win!
- Aloe Vera Curl Primer – Protein Free
Refresh Combo –

The hardest part of this whole journey, I believe is refreshing, especially when it comes to fine hair that doesn’t like to be messed with after wash day. Thankfully we have the Aloe Vera Curl Primer which doesn’t need any water to work so you can smooth this straight onto dry hair and it will add some hydration to your hair whilst smoothing down any frizz. Then on top you smooth on some Reflex Curl Styling Serum for that little bit of extra hold. The beauty in this refresh is the lightness of both products means that you are not going to weight your curls down which is always a risk when adding more product after wash day.

There really is something for everyone in the Treluxe range! Just remember to reverse engineer your wash day based on the look you are going for and you cannot go wrong!
If you are in America you can find all the Treluxe products here – Discount code is CURLYCAST15
If you are in Canada you can shop here
If you are in the UK then you can find Treluxe here.